CrossFit Training for Endurance Athletes: Enhancing Performance and Recovery

CrossFit Training for Endurance Athletes: Enhancing Performance and Recovery

The Endurance Athlete's Dilemma

Endurance athletes are no strangers to pushing their bodies to the limits. Whether you're a marathon runner, triathlete, or cyclist, you know the exhilarating yet grueling journey of pushing through miles upon miles of training. However, even the most dedicated endurance athletes can hit plateaus or struggle with injuries and fatigue. This is where CrossFit comes in as a game-changer, offering a unique approach to enhancing performance and recovery.

Myth #1: CrossFit is Only for Strength Athletes

Let's start by dispelling a common myth: CrossFit is not just for lifting heavy weights or building bulky muscles. While it's true that CrossFit incorporates strength training, it's a comprehensive fitness methodology that focuses on functional movements. This means that every exercise in CrossFit has a purpose beyond just getting big muscles—it's about improving overall athleticism, including endurance.

  • Functional Movements: CrossFit emphasises movements that mimic real-life activities, such as squats, deadlifts, and kettlebell swings. These movements improve your body's ability to perform everyday tasks efficiently while also enhancing endurance.

  • Cardiovascular Conditioning: CrossFit workouts often include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and metabolic conditioning, which are key components of improving cardiovascular endurance. This translates to better stamina during long runs, rides, or swims.

The Endurance Athlete's Secret Weapon: CrossFit

Now that we've debunked the myth, let's dive into why CrossFit is a secret weapon for endurance athletes:

  • Variety and Adaptability: CrossFit workouts are constantly varied, which keeps your body guessing and prevents boredom. This variety also helps in preventing overuse injuries common among endurance athletes.

  • Strength and Power: While endurance athletes focus on aerobic capacity, neglecting strength and power can lead to imbalances and decreased performance. CrossFit addresses this by incorporating strength training that complements your endurance training, leading to a more well-rounded athlete.

  • Efficient Workouts: CrossFit sessions are typically short yet intense, making them ideal for busy endurance athletes. You can get a full-body workout in a fraction of the time compared to traditional training methods.

CrossFit for Recovery and Injury Prevention

One of the biggest challenges for endurance athletes is recovery. Constant pounding on the pavement or repetitive motions can lead to overuse injuries and burnout. Here's how CrossFit can help:

  • Mobility and Flexibility: CrossFit includes mobility work and stretching, which are essential for maintaining joint health and preventing injuries. Improved flexibility also translates to better performance in your endurance activities.

  • Active Recovery: CrossFit workouts can serve as active recovery sessions for endurance athletes. Lighter workouts focusing on mobility and technique can aid in recovery without overloading your muscles.

  • Community Support: CrossFit gyms often have a strong sense of community. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who understand the demands of training can provide motivation and support during challenging times.

In Conclusion

CrossFit is not just a fad—it's a proven method for enhancing performance and recovery for endurance athletes. By incorporating functional movements, strength training, and a supportive community, CrossFit addresses the unique needs of endurance athletes, helping them reach new levels of fitness and success.

So, if you're an endurance athlete looking to take your performance to the next level, don't overlook the benefits of CrossFit. It could be the missing piece of the puzzle in your training journey.

5 Essential Tips for Beginners Starting CrossFit

5 Essential Tips for Beginners Starting CrossFit

Welcome, future CrossFit enthusiast! If you're here, you're likely contemplating diving headfirst into the world of CrossFit, and let me tell you, you're in for a wild ride. Picture this: a place where sweat flows freely, grunts of determination fill the air, and fist-bumps are as common as water breaks. That's the beauty of CrossFit, a community-driven fitness experience like no other. But before you lace up your sneakers and leap into the nearest box (that's CrossFit lingo for gym), let's go over some essential tips to ensure your journey starts off on the right foot.

1. Embrace the Suck

Okay, hear me out on this one. CrossFit isn't for the faint of heart. It's tough, it's grueling, and at times, it might feel like your muscles are staging a mutiny against you. But here's the thing: embrace the suck. Embrace the challenge, the struggle, the moments where you question why on earth you signed up for this in the first place. Because it's in those moments of discomfort that you'll experience the most growth…both physically and mentally.

2. Leave Your Ego at the Door

Ah, ego…the silent saboteur of many a CrossFitter. Trust me when I say this: check your ego at the door. It's not about lifting the heaviest weight or finishing first in every WOD (Workout of the Day). It's about pushing yourself to YOUR limits, not someone else's. So, if you find yourself reaching for the oversized kettlebell just to keep up with the person next to you, take a step back and reassess. Your body will thank you later.

3. Focus on Form

Repeat after me: form over everything. I cannot stress this enough. In the fast-paced world of CrossFit, it's easy to get caught up in the adrenaline rush and sacrifice proper form for the sake of speed or reps. But here's the thing: bad form leads to injuries, plain and simple. So, slow down, concentrate on your technique, and don't be afraid to ask your coach for guidance. Your future self will thank you for it.

4. Listen to Your Body

Your body is a temple, my friend, and it's trying to tell you something. Whether it's a twinge in your knee or a dull ache in your shoulder, listen to what your body is telling you. Pushing through pain might seem noble in the moment, but it's a one-way ticket to injuryville. Know your limits, respect them, and don't be afraid to scale back if needed. Trust me, it's better to take a day off now than to be sidelined for weeks with an injury.

5. Celebrate Every Victory

In the world of CrossFit, victories come in all shapes and sizes. Maybe it's finally nailing that elusive pull-up or shaving a few seconds off your mile time. Whatever it is, celebrate it. Acknowledge the hard work you've put in, no matter how small the accomplishment may seem. Because at the end of the day, those little victories add up to big progress.


And there you have it, folks…five essential tips to kickstart your CrossFit journey with confidence. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your dream bod. So, lace up those sneakers, grab your water bottle, and prepare to sweat like you've never sweat before. The journey won't be easy, but I promise you, it'll be worth it. Now go forth, future CrossFitter, and conquer those WODs like the badass you were born to be!

The 2024 CrossFit's popped it's head up on the horizon!

The 2024 CrossFit's popped it's head up on the horizon!

It’s the beginning of December, we haven’t even started hooking into the Festive season and you’re talking about the Open?

Bare with me, it’s absolutely the time to start discussing it. This year the one and only, Glen Murphy, will be taking the wheel at Gym Cartel & CrossFit Desire and he’s setting us up for our best effort yet.

Why Should You Do the Open?

On the 29th of February the 2024 Crossfit Open kicks off!

Dive into the CrossFit Open, a global celebration of fitness and community. It's not just for elite athletes but for everyone, regardless of skill level. Participating in the Open is a chance to challenge yourself, witness your growth, and be part of an inspiring community. Whether it's achieving a new personal best or simply enjoying the camaraderie, the Open is a thrilling journey of self-discovery and community spirit. The Open offers a global benchmarking opportunity, allowing you to track your progress and see where you stand in the worldwide CrossFit community.

Whether you're aiming for the quarterfinals, experiencing your first pull-up, or just wanting to join the fun, the Open has something for everyone. It's not just about competing but about being part of a vibrant, like-minded community.

How Does It Work?

The CrossFit Open is a unique online competition where workouts are released weekly, and participants have four days to complete them. The workouts, released on Friday mornings, need to be completed by Monday, fostering a high-energy, supportive atmosphere.  It includes various divisions like RX, scaled, and adaptive, ensuring inclusivity. 

This year, the top 25% in each category will advance to the quarterfinals, a change from the previous 10% cutoff. The quarterfinals are a step towards the semifinals and potentially the CrossFit Games. However, the focus is not just on elite performance but on personal growth, community spirit, and pushing your limits. It's a chance to benchmark your performance globally and see progress over time.

How to Prepare for the Open?

Preparation is key to making the most of the Open. Focus on honing fundamental CrossFit skills, building your strength, and increasing your workout intensity and volume. Training should balance skill development and physical conditioning. Also, embrace the mental aspect of preparation, setting realistic goals and maintaining a positive, focused mindset. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a newcomer, the right preparation can make a significant difference in your Open experience.

Remember, the CrossFit Open is more than a competition; it's a celebration of fitness, progress, and community. Whether you're competing for the first time or aiming to beat your previous records, embrace the challenge and enjoy the journey! 🏋️‍♀️🎉💪

Cheers, G.

everything you need to know…right now

Summer Workout Apparel

Summer Workout Apparel


Below each image is the name and price for each shirt. Once you’ve decided which shirt you’d like to get your hands on, send us an email by clicking on the link below by Wednesday next week and we’ll get your order underway!

Gym Cartel Sage Tee ($40)

CrossFit Desire Cobalt Tee ($40)

Gym Cartel Don’t Negotiate (Front)($50)

Gym Cartel Don’t Negotiate (Back) ($50)

CrossFit Desire Snake Bite ($45)

Gym Cartel Formidable (Front) ($45)

Gym Cartel Formidable (Back) ($45)

The Power of Tracking Performance

The Power of Tracking Performance

Welcome to the no-nonsense realm of CrossFit, where sweat meets strategy, and every rep counts. In this video, I took a quick and casual dive into the often controversial world of tracking your performance results. It's not just about hitting personal records; it's a journey that unveils a deeper connection between athletic prowess and your overall health. We’ll discuss it using Gregg Glassman's Sickness, Wellness, Fitness Continuum—a model that sparks debates, challenges norms, and, most importantly, invites you to question everything you thought you knew about your fitness journey.

Athletic Performance: Beyond the Box

In the video, I crack open the Pandora's box of athletic performance, revealing the hidden links between your feats in the gym and essential health biomarkers. It's more than just counting reps; it's about understanding the intricate dance your body performs with each squat, snatch, and sprint. Your heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels aren't just numbers; they're storytellers narrating your body's saga. Are these metrics the crystal ball into your health future, or are we overhyping their importance? Join the conversation, and let's challenge the status quo together.

Gym Progress as a Health Barometer

But why stop at reps and sets? In the video I highlight the gym as more than a battleground for fitness enthusiasts—it's a microcosm reflecting your overall well-being. Tracking your progress isn't just about hitting new milestones; it's a health barometer alerting you to potential risks on the horizon. In a controversial twist, I ask you: can your gym achievements be the crystal ball for your overall health? Are they the early warnings of potential health storms brewing outside the box? Let the controversy sink in as I break down the walls between fitness and life, urging you to view your gym journey as a holistic approach to well-being. After all, it's not just about the weights; it's about your life's heavy lifts.

Glassman's Continuum: Friend or Foe?

Glassman's Sickness, Wellness, Fitness Continuum. Is it a guiding light or an oversimplification? In the video I hint at its influence, but the controversy lingers. Does this model truly capture the essence of your health journey, or is it a one-size-fits-all approach in a diverse fitness landscape? Join the debate, pick your side, and let's unravel the truth behind the continuum. In the end, whether you're a fervent supporter or a skeptic, one thing remains clear: tracking your performance results in CrossFit is more than a trend—it's a revelation that can reshape not just your fitness journey but your entire approach to life.

The CrossFit Desire Gymnastics Course Starts January 2, 2024

The CrossFit Desire Gymnastics Course Starts January 2, 2024

Gymnastic movements tend to be some of the most frustrating exercises that we perform. To execute them correctly, they require a tremendous amount of strength, balance, coordination, and stability. That is why we are so excited to introduce to you our CrossFit Desire Gymnastics Course! Participants will learn to perform various exercises and skills (e.g., push-up, handstand push-up, pull-up, T2B, etc.) by creating mechanically sound techniques and developing positions and shapes to enable a greater expression of strength.



One of the most essential elements of gymnastics is moving our body freely yet controlled through space. Meaning if we can’t correctly kip or hold a handstand, how can we expect to get a pull-up, muscle-up, or handstand push-up.

You hear this in class repeatedly, but without the appropriate strength to do strict movements, we should not be worrying about advanced kipping movements. Instead, we should improve our lat and shoulder strength, keeping us healthy and happy long term.


You’ve probably heard the saying Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast. Moving too fast and rushing increases the chance of mistakes, which ultimately slows you down. Moving carefully and deliberately with a mind for technique will help reduce fumbling and needless mistakes in workouts.

CrossFit Desire 4-Week Gymnastics Course: WHEN: Tuesday & Thursday’s 6pm @ Gym Cartel Albion
COST: $105 for all 8 sessions


If you want to get to get better at gymnastics movements and are willing to put in the work, then YES! All strength/skill work can be modified to fit your current level. Scaling options will also be provided during every class.

The Non-Negotiable Plate Principle: Making Room for Your Daily Workout

The Non-Negotiable Plate Principle: Making Room for Your Daily Workout

In the pursuit of a healthier future, we often prioritise what we put on our plates, ensuring we get the right balance of nutrients. One crucial element of this balance is protein – the building block of muscle and essential for overall health. Just as we allocate space on our plates for protein, we should also make room in our daily lives for our workouts. In this article, we'll explore the importance of treating your daily workout as a non-negotiable, drawing parallels between your fitness routine and your dietary choices.

How a Weekly Yoga Practice Can Help with Recovery for Sports

How a Weekly Yoga Practice Can Help with Recovery for Sports


Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation to promote overall well-being. While it is often associated with relaxation and stress relief, yoga also offers numerous benefits for athletes and sports enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore how a weekly yoga practice can help with recovery for various sports such as running, netball, rugby, CrossFit, powerlifting, triathlons, and cycling. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a weekend warrior, incorporating yoga into your routine can enhance your performance, prevent injuries, and support your overall athletic goals.

Why Yoga for Sports Recovery?

Yoga offers a unique combination of physical and mental benefits that make it an excellent complement to sports recovery. Here are some key reasons why incorporating yoga into your weekly routine can be highly beneficial:

  1. Improved Flexibility: Yoga poses gently stretch and lengthen the muscles, improving overall flexibility. This increased range of motion can be particularly beneficial for athletes who engage in activities that require repetitive motions, such as running or cycling.

  2. Injury Prevention: Yoga helps strengthen the muscles and joints while improving balance and body awareness. This can help athletes prevent injuries by correcting muscular imbalances, enhancing stability, and promoting proper alignment.

  3. Enhanced Mental Focus: Sports performance relies heavily on mental focus and concentration. Regular yoga practice can help athletes cultivate mindfulness, improve concentration, and develop mental resilience, leading to better performance on the field or court.

  4. Increased Recovery Time: Yoga promotes relaxation and stress reduction, which are crucial for efficient recovery after intense training or competition. By incorporating breath control techniques and restorative yoga poses, athletes can enhance their body's ability to recover and repair.

  5. Balanced Strength: Many sports involve repetitive movements that can create muscle imbalances. Yoga poses target specific muscle groups, helping to balance strength and improve overall body alignment. This can contribute to better athletic performance and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

  6. Enhanced Breathing: Yoga places significant emphasis on deep breathing and breath control. Learning to breathe efficiently can increase oxygen intake, improve endurance, and enhance stamina during physical activities such as running, cycling, or participating in team sports.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can yoga be helpful for runners recovering from injuries?

Yes, yoga can be highly beneficial for runners recovering from injuries. It offers a low-impact form of exercise that helps maintain cardiovascular fitness while providing a gentle way to stretch and strengthen the muscles. Yoga also promotes mindful movement, allowing runners to reconnect with their bodies and identify any areas of discomfort or imbalance.

Is yoga suitable for powerlifters looking to improve flexibility?

Absolutely! Powerlifters often focus on building strength and may neglect flexibility training. Yoga can be a fantastic addition to their routine as it helps improve flexibility, mobility, and joint range of motion. Enhanced flexibility can improve powerlifters' technique, reduce the risk of injuries, and optimise their overall performance.

Can yoga help triathletes with their mental focus during competitions?

Yes, yoga can significantly benefit triathletes by enhancing their mental focus and concentration during competitions. The mindfulness cultivated through yoga practice helps athletes stay present, manage stress, and maintain focus during the long and demanding triathlon events.

Is yoga recommended for netball players to prevent common knee injuries?

Absolutely! Netball involves sudden changes in direction, jumping, and landing, which can put strain on the knees. Yoga can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the knees, improve stability, and enhance balance, reducing the risk of common knee injuries in netball players.

How can yoga benefit rugby players recovering from intense matches?

Rugby is a physically demanding sport that often leads to muscle soreness and fatigue. Yoga can aid in the recovery process by promoting relaxation, stretching tight muscles, and reducing inflammation. Incorporating yoga into their weekly routine can help rugby players recover faster and improve their overall performance.

Can cyclists benefit from yoga for improving posture and preventing back pain?

Yes, cyclists can greatly benefit from yoga to improve posture and prevent back pain. The forward-leaning position in cycling can cause tightness in the hip flexors and lower back. Yoga poses that focus on opening the chest, stretching the hip flexors, and strengthening the core can help cyclists maintain proper alignment, alleviate back pain, and enhance their riding experience.


A weekly yoga practice can be a game-changer for athletes in any sport. Its unique combination of physical postures, breath control, and meditation offers a myriad of benefits for sports recovery. From improved flexibility and injury prevention to enhanced mental focus and increased recovery time, yoga provides athletes with valuable tools to optimise their performance and overall well-being. So, why not roll out your yoga mat and embrace the transformative power of yoga in your sports journey?

Overcoming Excellence Fatigue

Overcoming Excellence Fatigue


CrossFit is a demanding fitness regimen that requires dedication and discipline. With so many people talking about the hustle and how to chase excellence, it can be hard to continue moving forward when it feels like there's still so much left to figure out. In this article, we will explore strategies that have helped me keep perspective throughout my CrossFit journey. By implementing these strategies, you can stay motivated, overcome challenges, and achieve your fitness goals.

The Importance of Perspective in CrossFit

Maintaining a Positive Mindset

One of the key elements in maintaining perspective is cultivating a positive mindset. When faced with challenges or setbacks, it's important to remind yourself of the progress you've made and the goals you've set. Celebrate small victories and use them as motivation to keep going. Remember, progress is not always linear, and setbacks are a natural part of any fitness journey.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Another aspect of maintaining perspective is setting realistic expectations. It's easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others or expecting immediate results. However, it's essential to understand that everyone's fitness journey is unique. Focus on your own progress and set realistic goals that align with your capabilities and limitations. This will help you stay motivated and prevent feelings of frustration or disappointment.

Embracing the Process

CrossFit is not just about the end result; it's about embracing the process. Enjoy the journey and find joy in the daily workouts, the camaraderie with fellow athletes, and the constant opportunity for growth. Remember that progress takes time, and each workout is an opportunity to improve. By focusing on the present moment and embracing the process, you'll find fulfillment in every step of your CrossFit journey.

Strategies for Maintaining Perspective

1. Keep a Training Journal

Writing down your workouts and progress in a training journal can be a powerful tool for maintaining perspective. Not only does it help you track your improvement over time, but it also serves as a visual reminder of how far you've come. On days when you feel discouraged, flipping through your training journal can reignite your motivation and remind you of your capabilities.

2. Find a Supportive Community

Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of fellow CrossFit enthusiasts can make a world of difference in maintaining perspective. Being part of a community provides a sense of belonging and encouragement. You can share your victories, discuss challenges, and find inspiration from others who are on a similar journey. Whether it's joining a local CrossFit gym or participating in online communities, find a support system that keeps you motivated and accountable.

3. Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome

While it's important to have goals, it's equally important to focus on the process rather than solely fixating on the end result. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each milestone along the way. By shifting your focus to the process, you'll develop a deeper appreciation for the daily grind and the journey toward excellence.

4. Practice Self-Compassion

CrossFit can push you to your limits, both physically and mentally. It's crucial to practice self-compassion and be kind to yourself throughout the process. Acknowledge that setbacks and challenges are normal and treat yourself with patience and understanding. Remember that progress is not always linear, and it's okay to take breaks or modify workouts when needed. By practicing self-compassion, you'll maintain a healthy mindset and prevent burnout.

5. Set Personal Goals

While it's natural to compare yourself to others, it's essential to remember that your fitness journey is unique to you. Instead of solely focusing on external benchmarks, set personal goals that align with your own abilities and aspirations. Whether it's improving your strength, mastering a specific movement, or increasing your endurance, setting personal goals will help you stay motivated and engaged in the process.

6. Celebrate Non-Fitness Achievements

CrossFit is just one aspect of your life, and it's important to celebrate achievements outside of the gym as well. Whether it's excelling at work, nurturing relationships, or pursuing hobbies, acknowledging your accomplishments in other areas will provide a well-rounded perspective on your overall success. Remember that fitness is just one piece of the puzzle, and maintaining balance in all aspects of your life is key to long-term happiness.

FAQs about Maintaining Perspective in CrossFit

Q1: How can I stay motivated when progress seems slow?

A1: It's normal for progress to ebb and flow. Stay motivated by focusing on small victories, tracking your progress in a training journal, and surrounding yourself with a supportive community.

Q2: What should I do when I feel discouraged?

A2: When you feel discouraged, remind yourself of your capabilities and the progress you've made. Embrace the process and find joy in the daily workouts. Seek support from your CrossFit community and practice self-compassion.

Q3: How can I avoid comparing myself to others?

A3: Remember that everyone's fitness journey is unique. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own progress and set personal goals that align with your capabilities and aspirations.

Q4: What if I experience setbacks or injuries?

A4: Setbacks and injuries are a natural part of any fitness journey. Take the time to heal, modify your workouts when needed, and seek professional guidance if necessary. Use the “rehab” period as a time to work on weaknesses. Practice self-compassion and trust the process.

Q5: How do I maintain balance between CrossFit and other areas of my life?

A5: Celebrate achievements outside of the gym and maintain a well-rounded perspective on success. Prioritise other aspects of your life, such as work, relationships, and hobbies. Remember that fitness is just one piece of the puzzle.

Q6: How can I stay motivated in the long term?

A6: Stay motivated in the long term by setting new goals, varying your workouts, and finding new challenges within the CrossFit community. Continually seek personal growth and enjoy the journey.


Maintaining perspective is essential in any fitness journey, especially in CrossFit. By cultivating a positive mindset, setting realistic expectations, and embracing the process, you can stay motivated, overcome challenges, and achieve your goals. Remember to keep a training journal, find a supportive community, and practice self-compassion. Celebrate both fitness and non-fitness achievements, and always remember that progress takes time. Stay focused, stay determined, and enjoy the journey.

From Motherhood to CrossFit Masters: An Interview with Adrienne 'HP' Sheppard

From Motherhood to CrossFit Masters: An Interview with Adrienne 'HP' Sheppard

We are thrilled to introduce Adrienne "HP" Sheppard, a remarkable CrossFit Masters athlete, mother of two, and personal trainer. With 24 years of experience in the fitness industry, HP has established herself as a prominent figure within Gym Cartel community, competing at a high level in CrossFit and inspiring others to pursue their fitness goals. In this interview, we will delve into HP's journey to becoming an excellent athlete and trainer, the challenges she has faced along the way, and the strategies she uses to stay motivated and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Join us as we gain insights from this inspiring woman who is going from strength to strength.

Congratulations on finishing first in Australia in the 2023 CrossFit Open for your age group! How did you prepare for the competition, and what was your mindset going into it?

Firstly, thank you so much, I really appreciate the acknowledgement and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share some of my experiences.

I started Crossfit in 2013, but my first Crossfit Open was in 2014. Since then I have participated every year, with the exception of a few including 2022.

Last year I pretty much sat out all competition, because I had some recurring shoulder and back injuries from the previous years and I just wanted to have a bit of a break. 

I was keen to give the 2023 season a solid effort, as I was entering a new age category (45-49) and because I knew the long rest from comps would fire me up.

My plan all year was 3 x morning CrossFit classes, 3 - 4  “body building” sessions (Sugarwod track) in the afternoons and then mountain biking and or run on the weekends.

Once I got back from my Christmas holiday in Queenstown,  I stopped drinking alcohol (those that know me well, know that this was a bigger challenge for me than the actual comp) I had a nutrition plan and now sleeping amazingly, recovery was on point.

About 6 weeks before the Open I stopped mountain biking as much and increased my CrossFit sessions, but to be honest, I just remember going by feel and trying to stay in tune with what my body was craving.

I have definitely had a mindset shift over the years as I am getting older. I have had to learn how to take on a more relaxed approach TRAIN SMARTER NOT HARDER.

I am slowly learning to let go of my own expectations and feeling pressure to perform.

I had a tough upbringing being from an eastern european background and as a result I have also been tough on myself, I am my harshest critic. Letting go of fear that I am not good enough, no matter the outcome,  I am happy and confident, worthiness doesn’t come from achievements. 

All of this being said, obviously I am feeling fantastic having achieved this result in the Open (1st Australia) and then the Qualifier (55th Worldwide) this year, however I am equally if not even more proud of myself for listening to my body, not take things so seriously and just for having so much fun along the way!

You're also an avid mountain biker. How does your love for this sport complement your CrossFit training, and what benefits do you find in incorporating different types of physical activity?

Because crossfit is so varied, almost any sporting endeavor outside of the box will transfer over some form of skill or fitness and vice versa. 

I love mountain biking, because it's another awesome way for my family to connect and I have always been drawn to the great outdoors and nature. I gravitate towards sports that require so much focus that you remain in the absolute present moment in time. 

I love crossfit and everything  “the box” environment offers. 

I find the mental and physical switch between both sports refreshing. My enthusiasm stays at a high on both counts because I don't find myself burning out this way.

You're a mother of two, and your children are successful young athletes. How has your experience as a parent influenced your approach to your own training and coaching?

Watching my kids grow and change so rapidly reminds me on a daily basis to remain flexible and adaptable. Most children take on new challenges easily and try different things until they find their passions.

I have been known to chant “I know best” many of times and this can leave me stuck in the comfortable zone both in my training and how I coach my clients. Comfortable is nice, but it doesn't push you to get better. 

I am trying as much as possible to stay open to different ways of doing things.

What advice do you have for other masters athletes who may be hesitant to pursue CrossFit or other high-intensity training programs later in life?

It's never too late to start something new! Especially as we get older, we tend to overthink things. When we overthink, all our doubts, excuses, anxiety, feelings of fear can kick in! 

Overthinking stops people from taking action. So my advice is if you are one of these people, reach out and ask for help! Don’t think just DO! In this day and age there is literally a coach/mentor/trainer for anything you need guidance on, who are professionally trained to help get you started safely.

How do you balance your training schedule with your responsibilities as a mother and business owner?

I am a firm believer in making time for the important things in your life. 

I remember when I had my daughter Sofia, I absolutely loved spending every waking moment with her, but I also quickly realized that if I don’t put some time aside for me outside of my duties as a young mum, I was going to lose myself.

This is when my husband and I started a weekly scheduling system. 

In our diary we book in a time when I would train, a day we get a sitter and go on weekly date nights, a regular evening walk when it was all of us. Things like that.

To this date we do regular “family team meetings” as things are forever changing, but there are many things, especially now that the kids are older, where I have a settled routine.

In addition I feel like our scheduling sessions are also a great way to connect and check in on each other's well being.

How do you stay motivated and focused on your fitness goals, both in and out of the gym?

I have been active and played different sports my whole life. With each new endeavor came a new set of challenges, new skills to master. I am quite a persistent person which I think in turn  has made me disciplined in pursuing the things I set my mind to.

As a personal trainer, what are some common mistakes you see people make when it comes to their fitness and training?

People want everything NOW. In my industry wanting the quick fix is doable, but ends up being hard, unsustainable and unenjoyable, which quickly results in people giving up. Alternately, I see people on more manageable programs, don’t get results fast enough, feel frustrated, lose interest and look towards the next “thing”, without really giving it time to work! 

Be it fitness, weight loss, learning a new skill, getting stronger, people just need to give it TIME and patience. 

There is nothing wrong with setting fitness goals, in fact goal setting is a fantastic tool in helping achieve results, however if we can ultimately make a mindset shift from viewing fitness as an “end goal” to rather a “never ending  evolving practice” and explore ways in which one can enjoy that process day in day out, we would achieve much better results in keeping people fit long term.

How do you keep your training challenging and varied to continue progressing and improving?

To improve and progress  you have to get Uncomfortable and for good reason one of the very important mantras preached at Gym Cartel.

I try to find goals that make me feel uncomfortable enough to make a start but not so scary that I feel too much resistance to even begin!

Finally, what advice would you give to young athletes who are just starting out and looking to pursue their own fitness and athletic goals?

To the young aspiring athletes out there, I say pick some awesome role models and surround yourself with like minded people! 

Sharing your experiences with others is so much more rewarding and fun!

Back yourself, follow your passions but  don’t take things too seriously! 

Lastly, always remember that you have love, support and guidance all around you. 

CrossFit for Beginners: How to Avoid Common Mistakes When Starting Out

CrossFit for Beginners: How to Avoid Common Mistakes When Starting Out

CrossFit is an intense workout regimen that can produce incredible results when done correctly. However, for beginners, there can be a steep learning curve, and mistakes can be costly in terms of both safety and progress. In this article, we'll discuss some common mistakes that beginners make when starting out in CrossFit, and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Going Too Hard, Too Fast

CrossFit is known for its high-intensity workouts, but that doesn't mean you should go all out right from the beginning. Doing so can result in injury, burnout, or even quitting altogether. Instead, start slowly and focus on proper form and technique. Take your time to learn the movements and gradually increase the intensity and volume of your workouts.

Mistake #2: Neglecting Mobility and Recovery

CrossFit workouts can be very demanding on the body, so it's essential to prioritise mobility and recovery. Neglecting these aspects can lead to chronic pain, injury, and burnout. Make sure you stretch before and after each workout and incorporate mobility exercises into your routine. Additionally, prioritise rest and recovery days, as well as proper nutrition and hydration.

Mistake #3: Skipping the Fundamentals

CrossFit is built on a foundation of functional movements, such as squats, deadlifts, and presses. It's crucial to learn and master these fundamental movements before moving on to more complex exercises. Skipping this step can result in injury or improper form, which can hinder progress and limit your potential.

Mistake #4: Comparing Yourself to Others

It's easy to get caught up in the competitive nature of CrossFit, but it's essential to remember that everyone is on their own journey. Comparing yourself to others can lead to frustration and a lack of motivation. Instead, focus on your own progress and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Mistake #5: Neglecting Safety

CrossFit workouts can be intense, and safety should always be a top priority. Make sure you have proper equipment, such as shoes and gloves, and always warm up before each workout. Additionally, be aware of your limits and don't push yourself beyond what you're capable of.

In conclusion, CrossFit can be an incredibly rewarding and effective workout regimen when done correctly. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that you're getting the most out of your CrossFit journey while staying safe and injury-free. Remember to start slowly, prioritise mobility and recovery, master the fundamentals, focus on your own progress, and always prioritise safety. Good luck on your CrossFit journey!

The Top 10 Fitness Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

The Top 10 Fitness Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

In today's fast-paced world, staying fit and healthy is more important than ever. It is not just about looking good, but also about feeling good and staying healthy in the long run. With so many different fitness programs and diets out there, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. That's why we've put together a list of the top 10 fitness tips to help you get started on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Tip #1: Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is the first step towards achieving success in your fitness journey. Start by identifying what you want to achieve, and then break it down into smaller, achievable goals. This will help you stay motivated and on track.

Tip #2: Find an Exercise Routine You Enjoy

Exercising should be enjoyable, not a chore. Find an exercise routine that you enjoy, whether it's running, weightlifting, or yoga. This will help you stay motivated and committed to your fitness goals.

Tip #3: Incorporate Strength Training

Strength training is an important component of any fitness program. It helps build muscle, which in turn increases metabolism and burns more calories. Incorporate strength training into your routine at least two to three times per week.

Tip #4: Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is crucial to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Tip #5: Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is important for overall health and well-being. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and more if you're exercising.

Tip #6: Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is crucial for the body to recover and repair. Aim to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night to help your body function optimally.

Tip #7: Mix Up Your Routine

Mixing up your exercise routine can help prevent boredom and keep you motivated. Try new activities or switch up your routine to keep things interesting.

Tip #8: Take Rest Days

Rest days are just as important as exercise days. They allow your body to recover and prevent injury. Aim for at least one rest day per week.

Tip #9: Hold Yourself Accountable

Holding yourself accountable is crucial to achieving your fitness goals. This can be done by tracking your progress, joining a fitness group or hiring a personal trainer.

Tip #10: Stay Positive

A positive mindset is key to achieving success in your fitness journey. Stay positive and focus on your progress, rather than setbacks.

We hope these tips will help you get started on your fitness journey and achieve your goals. Remember, staying consistent and committed is the key to success.

7 Reasons Why Joining CrossFit Desire Will Change Your Life

7 Reasons Why Joining CrossFit Desire Will Change Your Life

CrossFit Desire is a community that focuses on improving physical fitness, mental toughness, and overall health through a combination of high-intensity functional movements and group support. Joining CrossFit Desire can have a significant impact on your life in many ways. Here are seven reasons why:

  1. Improved physical health: CrossFit Desire's workouts are designed to improve your overall fitness level. The combination of weightlifting, cardio, and gymnastics movements will improve your strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. You'll see noticeable improvements in your body composition and overall physical health.

  2. Mental toughness: CrossFit Desire's workouts are challenging, and they require a certain level of mental toughness to complete. By pushing yourself to complete difficult workouts, you'll develop mental fortitude that will translate to other areas of your life.

  3. Community support: CrossFit Desire is a community that supports one another. You'll work out with other members who will push you to do your best and provide encouragement when you need it. The community is a powerful motivator that will keep you coming back to the gym.

  4. Accountability: CrossFit Desire's coaches will hold you accountable for showing up and putting in the work. They'll help you set goals and create a plan to achieve them. By being accountable to someone else, you'll be more likely to stick to your goals and make progress.

  5. Increased Confidence: As you progress in your CrossFit Desire journey, you will notice an increase in your confidence and self-esteem. You will be amazed at what your body is capable of achieving, which will lead to a greater sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

  6. Variety: CrossFit Desire's workouts are always changing. You'll never get bored because you'll be doing something different every day. The variety will challenge your body in different ways and keep your workouts interesting.

  7. Fun: CrossFit Desire's workouts are challenging, but they're also fun. You'll work out with a group of people who are passionate about fitness and health. The energy and camaraderie in the gym are infectious, and you'll leave feeling energised and refreshed.

In conclusion, joining CrossFit Desire can have a significant impact on your physical and mental health, personal growth, and overall well-being. The community support, accountability, and variety of workouts make CrossFit Desire a great choice for anyone looking to make a positive change in their life.

New Apparel

New Apparel

It’s getting to that point in the year again where we notice the morning and evening air is getting a little cooler. Maybe we should get some new hoodies ordered now before it’s summer again!

Check out the options below and send me an email with your order and I’ll get in touch with you to organise payment.

  1. Choose the design (A, B, or C)

  2. Choose the style (Hoodie, Tank or Tee)

  3. Choose your size (XS, S, M, L, XL, etc)

  4. Email me at (make sure subject reads “Hoody Order”)

The CrossFit Desire “Colombian Snake” design. Zip up hoody.

The Gym Cartel “Ransom Note” design…this is a new one! Front print only…pullover, no zip.

Gym Cartel Newstead’s most popular design that makes no sense to anyone but us…

Stronger Together: The Power of Community and Core Values in Long-Term Fitness and Health

Stronger Together: The Power of Community and Core Values in Long-Term Fitness and Health

As the famous saying goes, "no man is an island." This is especially true in the world of fitness, where a sense of community can make a significant difference in achieving your long-term health goals. At Gym Cartel, we believe in the power of community and how it can improve longevity, both physically and mentally.

Progress Not Perfection

One of our core values is "Progress Not Perfection," which means we strive to focus on the journey rather than just the end goal. In a community setting, this value is exemplified in the support and encouragement we give to one another. CrossFit is a challenging sport that requires dedication and consistency, but it's essential to understand that progress is not always linear. When you're surrounded by a supportive community, it becomes easier to appreciate the small victories and keep pushing through the setbacks.


Integrity is another essential value at Gym Cartel. It's not just about doing the right thing when no one is looking; it's also about being honest with yourself and others about your abilities and limitations. In a community setting, we hold each other accountable for maintaining proper form and technique, which ultimately helps prevent injury and improves overall performance.

Life Balance

Achieving a healthy life balance is crucial to long-term success. It's not just about hitting the gym every day; it's about finding a balance between work, family, friends, and leisure time. At Gym Cartel, we believe in creating a community that supports each other both in and out of the gym. This helps ensure that we maintain a healthy balance and avoid burnout.

Creating Opportunity for Others

We believe in creating opportunities for others to achieve their fitness goals. In a community setting, this means we help our fellow members push past their limits and achieve things they never thought possible. We cheer each other on during workouts, celebrate personal bests, and provide support during times of struggle. By creating opportunities for others, we help build a stronger, more supportive community.

Enjoying the Journey

Lastly, at Gym Cartel, we believe in enjoying the journey. Fitness is not just a means to an end; it's a lifelong journey that should be enjoyed. In a community setting, this means we celebrate each other's successes, have fun during workouts, and create a positive and uplifting atmosphere.

In conclusion, community is a vital component of achieving long-term health goals. At Gym Cartel, we believe in fostering a community that embodies our core values of Progress, Integrity, Balance, Opportunity, and Enjoying the Journey. By surrounding yourself with a supportive community, you'll have a better chance of achieving your goals, staying motivated, and enjoying the journey.

Creating a Workout Routine

Creating a Workout Routine

By Simon Colley

During the travel, parties and everything else involved in that December January period, many people fall completely out of their routine. Strangely (at least from my perspective), working out tends to be one of the first things that get pushed aside. If you’re rocking a career that has you sitting at a desk and doesn't have you performing any manual labour, then finding a physical recreation outside of work hours IS absolutely necessary and a non-negotiable. It’s not hard for me to see that a lot of people seem to struggle to get back to their regular workout schedule. Also, for some just starting their fitness journey, it can be hard just to get a habit started. Here’s a short list of some basic things you can start doing immediately to get back in gear for 2023.

Schedule Your Workouts
If you believe that you’re so busy that finding time to workout is difficult, I recommend blocking off time on your Google calendar (or other planning tools of choice) to ensure you have time in your daily schedule. I find that it is helpful to set alerts that notify you when it is getting close to gym time. I am much more accountable when I get emails telling me to get to the gym and complete my workout.

Connect with Others
Whether it is chatting a bit with your coach or finding friends in your class, making connections with others will keep you coming back. The most beneficial and fun part of CrossFit is the awesome community. When you know others are counting on you to be there for the workout; you are much more likely to come at a consistent time. Make an effort to encourage others during the workout, help clean up equipment, come early or stay late and chat while stretching.

Set Goals
Everyone sets New Year’s resolutions, but not many people actually achieve them. Did you know that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down on a regular basis? Get your goals up on our goals board at the gym. Keep a notebook and write down any fitness goals that you have for 2023. Every month, revisit those goals, write how you are aiming to achieve them and how you have improved in the last 30 days. I find this incredibly motivating and more likely to keep me in the habit of going to the gym.

Get Inspired
Inspiration can come from many places. Some people are inspired by competition (that’s me), others are inspired by reaching aesthetic goals, and some people thrive on quotes. Whatever your inspiration, find it and hold onto it. Staying inspired will keep you consistent and creating healthy habits.

Don’t Forget Diet
Many people stop going to the gym because they don’t see the results they want. However, they completely ignore the fact that they’re eating and drinking like an asshole every weekend, or having Macca’s for lunch everyday. Whether you want to gain muscle, lose fat, or increase endurance, what you put into your body matters. When you see results from your hard work in the gym, you are more likely to be consistent. When you are more consistent, the better your results. It is a cyclical relationship.

Need help with goal setting or any of the other topics above? Don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our coaches for a little push – that’s what we’re here for!



With the new year still at our doorstep, now is a great time to set some goals for 2023. Goal setting is an incredibly effective process because it can help provide clarity, focus, and motivation for both the future and the present. By having something to work towards, with a clear direction, athletes are better able to organise their time and efforts and are therefore more successful at accomplishing new milestones in their fitness journey.


If a coach were to ask a class what their CrossFit goals are, you will likely hear things like “I want to get stronger” or “I want to get better at pull-ups”. These are both great goals, but they lack the specifics to help truly motivate someone to achieve them.

When coming up with your goals, make sure that they are S.M.A.R.T. goals. This stands for:


Let’s dive into each of these a little more.


Clearly define your goals. Provide the details! By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you’ll know where you have to concentrate your efforts. If your goal is to get stronger, for example, in what lift(s)? What weights would you like to hit? Have a specific target.


This means that the goal is defined in a way where progress can be tracked and the completion of the goal can be objectively marked as complete.

It’s important to be able to track progress toward your goals. For example, if your goal is to back squat 100kg, log each of your back squat sessions, along with the reps and weights you hit. Also, note PRs (personal records) that you hit along the way.


When coming up with your goals, ask yourself whether or not they are truly realistic and achievable. Everyone wants fast progress, but the best results come at a consistent and gradual pace.

Be honest about your current fitness levels. For example, if your goal is 10 strict pull-ups, and you currently can’t do any, would a smaller goal be better? You don’t want to overwhelm yourself. Stress kills motivation.

You can avoid injury and frustration by turning your large goals into a series of smaller ones. Having a series of small wins can be really motivating and lead to huge accomplishments. Each time you accomplish a goal, set a new one. So, in the example above, start with a goal of one strict pull-up, then 3, then 5, and so on.


Make sure that your goals align with your values and long-term objectives. Ask yourself if you’re headed in the right direction.


Set a date for your goal. When would you like to achieve it? This will vary greatly depending on what you want to achieve and your current fitness level. Again, be specific and realistic about the date.


Now that you know how to create your goals, WRITE THEM DOWN! It’s important to be able to see them regularly to help really push you to achieve them. And don’t be scared to share them with others. Get it up on the gym Goal Board, tell your coach, your gym bestie, your spouse, your dog...anyone! Saying it out loud gives it more meaning and provides more motivation.

Next, you’ll need the plan to get there. As the saying goes, “A goal without a plan is simply a wish”. Think about what you need to do in order to make this goal happen. For example, if your goal is to get 10 unbroken strict pull-ups, you could plan to do three sets of max rep strict pull-ups twice a week.

If you’re unsure of how to come up with a plan, no problem. We’re here to help you! Just ask a member of our team for help.

Lastly, remember that goals are always evolving. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t manage to hit a goal by your target date. If this happens, take some time to redefine your goals based on the level of progress you have attained. Likely you will have achieved some progress, and that’s a win! CrossFit isn’t about tearing yourself down. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself through positive changes.

NUTRITION - Guidelines for our 2022 Six Week Health and Wellness Challenge

NUTRITION - Guidelines for our 2022 Six Week Health and Wellness Challenge

Perhaps no change will alter your life as profoundly as changing what you eat.

For our challenge, we chose foods based on a single criteria, their ability to positively impact your health and well-being.

This means that we encourage you to eliminate processed foods from your life while adopting a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, good fats, and quality proteins.

For many people, this means removing added sugars and industrial oils (as well as most grains, dairy, and alcohol) from their diet while adding foods from natural sources.

We find that these choices, as applied to our own lives, have led to wonderful changes in energy level, body composition, and common health markers.


Winter is comi...HERE!

Winter is comi...HERE!

By Nanda Stoltz

Staying motivated to train during Winter.

You’ll be fat and sad if you don’t.

The end.

Winter is officially here and we all know it’s been scientifically proven that it’s 15% harder* to get up in the cold dark winter mornings to train.  

So here are a few tips to make it that little bit easier to stay on track during winter so you come out the other side ready to hit the beach with that summer body.

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Set yourself goals

Let me start by saying make sure some of these goals are realistic/achievable.. the last thing we want is for you to feel even more unmotivated by not reaching any of your goals. We don’t have to come out of winter shredded AF resembling some type of Chris Hemsworth figure, our goals can be as simple as;

  • work with a physio to fix my injury

  • turn up to the gym 3 times a week

  • learn a new skill

  • track and focus on my nutrition

  • go for a 20min walk every morning

  • within each session set yourself a smaller goal - ‘I won’t stop running until I’ve done 5000 steps’

Each month it might be something different, but find what is going to work for you and keep you intrinsically motivated.

Get a trainer or Buddy

Make it someone else’s problem! Haha

Having someone else to keep you accountable is a great way to keep you on track. We all know it is easier to suffer with a friend, or have a PT pushing you when you don’t feel like it. Or maybe you’re the responsible one keeping your friend accountable, whatever it is, it’s going to be easier to do it with someone else! You could even join a running or weight lifting club - the more people around the better!

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Keep it simple

Sometimes you need to JUST START! It’s as simple as, sit up and put your feet on the floor, get dressed, put your shoes on and just start! Once you’re moving it’s never as bad as you imagined. Simplicity is key, you don’t need to come up with some ridiculously long complex workout, jump online, type in 10min workout, pick one and start. Or even better, just turn up to your crossfit box and they will literally hold your hand through the session!

Be kind to yourself

There is nothing worse than deciding not to get up and train and then beating yourself up over it ALL DAY! That’s only going to make it worse.

Remember that you will have days where it is harder than others, sometimes it’s good to listen to your body and hit that snooze button. Or better yet, don’t even set your alarm for the next morning, have the morning off! Really enjoy your morning/afternoon off, relish in it! Then the next day, put your hair in a bun, drink some coffee, put on some gansta rap and get stuck back into it!

* Scientifically proven with Bro Science.

Use the Force...curve.

Use the Force...curve.

In much the same way as when we’re training olympic lifting, whether you’re tall or short, powerful or “gentle”, your work on the rower will improve dramatically with improved technique. One way we can analyse faults in our rowing technique is to look at the “Force Curve”. You can check this out by visiting the screen on your Concept2 erg that has the graph and squiggly line that pops up with every stroke. If you haven’t used this in your training before, you should and it will help pin point areas of weakness and improve your force and power. And in case you didn’t already consider it…Power and Force is the bottom line. We want max Power.

The Concept2 Erg Force Curve

The force curve graph will indicate how your force varies as you use your legs, back and arms during each stroke. The smoother the curve, the smoother the application of force. Also, the more area under the curve, the greater the amount of force we have applied. The first time using the Force Curve Graph you may notice that it has some peaks and hollows. These different shapes can tell us where to look and what to work on. Rowing with the force curve is a great way to work on smoothing out your technique and stroke.


Two peaks:

A dip in the middle, depending on where it is could mean a couple of things. A dip somewhere in the middle of the curve usually means there’s a loss of force during the transition between the legs, hips and arms. There’s a disconnection somewhere in the transitionary period in the middle. 

A peak at the back end:

If the curve looks like a ramp with a peak at the back end of the curve, we could either be ripping too hard with the arms at the end of the stroke or we’re failing to use enough leg drive. 

A peak at the front end:

A huge peak on the front end of the curve that tapers off tells us that you’re applying too much force too early and losing effectiveness through the rest of the stroke.

A long low curve:

There isn’t much power or area under the curve. You need to apply more force to the machine. Pay attention to the start of the stroke (the catch position) and how you connect to the rower, and improve your application of force into the machine, and take a closer look at your posture and leg/feet positioning. 

Next time you’re on the rower, take the time to visit this screen and check on the efficiency of your row technique and use it to help you improve the timing of the drive, transition and catch of your row. 

Force Curve + 500m Split Screen

Using the force curve display is one setting that can improve your technique, another is the 500m split time. This is helpful because you can visually and graphically see how efficient your row technique is as well as you can see that through having an efficient technique and application of force throughout the different phases of the row your 500m split time will be faster. Remember, “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”.


You can view these at the same time. To navigate to see both the force curve and the 500m split time:

1. Start Rowing On The Machine To Turn On

2. Press Change Units Button On Your Monitor To Display Power Curve Option

3. Press Change Units Button On Your Monitor To 500 Split Time Average

At the end of the day we want consistent, smooth, large areas under the curve. To get that we want to properly sequence the use of the legs, hips, then arms, and return them in the reverse order.

The most ideal and common force curve would have a high peak in the middle with lots of area under the curve. The sequenced style of rowing with a high peak and large amount of area under the curve is the most common style of rowing among rowers. 

So…how do you improve your Force Curve?

A. Rowing Posture

Think tight, strong, tall torso. There is a difference between just going through the motions and actively engaging your body, musculature and posture for rowing.

B. Rowing Positions

The Catch

  • Arms are straight, head is neutral, shoulders are level and not hunched over.

  • The shoulders are in front of the hips.

  • Shins are vertical, or as close to vertical as is comfortable for you. Shins should not move beyond perpendicular.

  • Heels may lift as needed.

The Drive

  • Start the drive by pushing with your legs, and then swing the back through the vertical position to around the one o’clock position before finally adding the arm pull.

  • Hands move the handle in a straight line to and from the flywheel.

  • Shoulders remain low and relaxed.

The Finish

  • Upper body is leaning back to the one (or eleven) o’clock position, bracing through the core.

  • Legs are extended and the handle is held lightly below your ribs.

  • Shoulders should be low with wrists and grip relaxed.

The Recovery

  • Punch your arms forward until they straighten before leaning from the hips towards the flywheel.

  • Only after your hands have cleared your knees, allow your knees to bend and gradually slide the seat forward again.

C. Rowing Sequencing

Legs -> Body -> Arms. 

The row is a PUSH not a pull. Essentially it uses very similar mechanics to the deadlift, just with a high pull. We drive or push the machine away, drive out with our legs, then transition force into hips (hip extension) then through the torso, and into the arms. Then we reverse it, arms go away, hips close, knees bend and we get the handles back toward the flywheel in a nice compressed catch. 

The rower is an awesome machine! Improving your row is a combination of proper posture, good positions, efficient application and transfer of force throughout the row. We might look at a Concept2 row erg and think oh, easy. But there are clearly many little things we can work on to improve our rowing.